Saturday, 12 July 2014

Re-Launch 2014

So, after a short break, my house move is complete and we are back online! (clap/cheer now!) Since we last spoke I have, obviously, moved house, spent far too much on grey knights that are still in their boxes and finally updated the 2014 commissions price list!

CLICK HERE for the new price list.

The other bit of BIG news, is that i have actually finished my Grey Knight Grand Master! That's right, I have actually built, undercoated a painted model of my own! It's even based! So, drum roll please...

I am really pleased with it and might even get inspired enough to paint some of those grey knights! But back in reality, I am currently working on 3 commissions. These will be completed over the next 4 - 8 weeks with posts to follow.

With the new price list up and me now settled into my new hobby space, there has never been a better time to book a commission. Whats more, I am adding something totally new! Your commission will be completed in either 30, 60 or 90 days (set dependent upon the scale of the work wanted) or, IT'S FREE! That's right, a 100% money back guarantee if your commission is late!

Part 2 of the re-launch is a revamp of our social media accounts. If you haven't already, check out our facebook, twitter and flikr accounts.




As always, drop me an email or call for a quote. Be sure to take full advantage of the battle brothers and returning customers discount schemes.

Until next time,

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Tools of the Trade Pt1 Sharp and Pointies

Evening all,

I have recently moved house (again), this meant that most annoying of activities, packing and in turn, unpacking. On this occasion however, I found myself taking a good look at the mass of random tools, gadgets and tip bits that had lived on my hobby desk.

Way back in 2010 I wrote a post about making space for you hobby, all about my old hobby desk and how I organised my space. Over 3 parts, I thought I would take a look at some of the tools we use all the time and often overlook.

Sharp and Pointies

The Hobby Knife
The good old hobby knife is a key tool for any hobby nut. I use the games-workshop standard knife (the old back retractable one) for my standard blade. This is very much the workhorse, ideal for removing flash, mouldlines, hands, joint cuts and just about anything else.

I then use a set of retractable plastic handled craft blades, purchased from a great web store, hobby's!
(Check them out, not a lot they don't have and always at a great price.)
These are perfect for all those odd little jobs that a standard blade just isn't quite right. The green is mostly used for cutting flat materials such as plasticard or cardboard. The yellow, red and grey are used mostly for sculpting jobs, cutting into epoxy etc.

Pin Vice and Drill Bits
I'm not a fan of the current GW pin vice, feels an odd shape to me thus, I still have the old one. I have however purchased some new drill bits for it. Microbox drill bits are by far the best I have ever had.
 The 20 piece set ranges in size from 0.3mm to 1.6mm. These toughened steel drill bits are ideal for pinning and drilling out gun barrels in plastic, resin or metal miniatures. They will fit pretty much any pin vice including the new GW device.

Clippers and Pliers
Side cutters or clippers are pretty much the one tool everyone uses to removed components from sprue. These are pretty much all the same but I have found the GW side cutters have a really nice grip and, don't wear too quickly compared to some others that I have tried.

In addition to these, I always keep on hand a pair of needle nose pliers for folding and bend components. This is ideal for those larger metal components that perhaps need a little persuasion to fit where you want it.

So, that's about all for now, next time, sticky things!